Konsep Modul dan Metode Pembelajaran Stephen P. Robbins, Riset Eksprerimen Mata Kuliah Perilaku Organisasi

  • Arrizal Arrizal Universitas Tamansiswa Padang


This experiment research was aimed to examine the effectiveness of organizational behavior development concept. Organizational behavior development concept consist of (1) module concept of organizational behavior of Stephen P Robbins as new module of organizational behavior and (2) learning method concept of Stephen P Robbins as new learning method of organizational behavior.

This experiment research was a case in Management Department of Economics Faculty Andalas University. The population of research was all students of organizational behavior of experiment class using organizational behavior development concept their numbers were 139 students and students of organizational behavior of control class using organizational behavior conventional concept their numbers were 118 students in Management Department of Economics Faculty Andalas University. Because of number population did not too much that were 257 students, this experiment research was taken all population as sample. The data were collected using a list student performance. The technique of analysis was applied the comparative test with t test (Sudijono, 1995 : 325 – 330).

The result of the experiment research showed the effectiveness of organizational behavior development concept. The result of the experiment research showed that students of organizational behavior of experiment class using organizational behavior development concept had mean score student performance 70,35 (B) were better than students of organizational behavior of control class using organizational behavior conventional concept had mean score student performance 63,97 (C).


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How to Cite
ARRIZAL, Arrizal. Konsep Modul dan Metode Pembelajaran Stephen P. Robbins, Riset Eksprerimen Mata Kuliah Perilaku Organisasi. Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 3, p. 68-86, sep. 2013. ISSN 2615-3300. Available at: <https://ojs.unitas-pdg.ac.id/index.php/manajemen/article/view/155>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024.