Strategi Imitasi dan Perilaku Konsumen Rokok Country
This research is purposed to analyze the factors which influence the consumers in purchasing imitate product. In this case refer to Country cigarettes that success in national market because its appearance features tend look like Marlboro cigarettes. Consumer behavior influenced by marketing stimuli from the marketer of imitation product including the product that look a like the market lader, close packaging feature with market leader do, the same distribution strategy with market leader. Beside all of that factors, it is also influenced by attitude, referring group, and life style that comes from the customers.
The research population is the Country cigarrettes’s consumers in Andalas University which know about Marlboro and the sample was taken with simple random sampling method of population. The responden are 100 persons. Research analysis data using double regression analysis technique. After all data is collected then it processed with SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program in case to be examined statistical by doing the statistical test.
The result of research shows that same packaging with market leader do not have any positive influence and significant to wants in buying, meanwhile attitude variable have negative influence to wants to repeating buying. But, product that look a like the market leader, cheaper price, same promotion with market leader and same distribution strategy with market leader have positive influences and significant to wants of consumer to repeat buying the product.
Key words: imitation, consumer behavior
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