Pengaruh Industri Pariwisata terhadap PDRB Kota Padang
The contribution of tourism industry fluctuates to PDRB of Padang city in 2013 - 2017 as well as the number of tourists. The hotel rates are relatively high and the prices of food and beverages sold still do not have a standard price. The above will certainly have PDRB Padang city. The purpose of research to determine the influence of the number of tourists, number of hotels and the number of restaurants to PDRB. Padang city partially and simultaneously. type of research is quantitative, data collection using survey method.
The study used time series data analyzed by multiple linear regression technique. Equation of data analysis obtained Ln Y = 3.418 + 0.058 Ln X1 + 0.103 Ln X2 + 0.258 Ln X3 + e. After hypothesis testing at 5% significance level, the number of tourists, number of hotel and number of restaurant have significant positive effect to PDRB of Padang city partially and simultaneously because (3.317> 2.021) and (2.134> 2.021) and 93.168> 2.021) and (5.889> 2.61). The number of hotels and number of restaurants with PDRB of Padang city strong (0.749) and value of Adjusted R Square = 0.602 means the PDRB of Padang is explained by the number of tourists, the number of hotels and the number of restaurants is 60.2% while the remaining 39.8% is explained by other variables not included in the research model.
Keywords: Gross Domestic Product, tourist, hotel, restaurant
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