Peran Sektor Pertanian terhadap Perekonomian Indonesia (Analisis Input-Output)
The strategic role of the agricultural sector in the national development includes: providing food for the Indonesian population, foreign exchange earners through exports, supplying industrial raw materials, increasing employment and business opportunities, increasing regional income, alleviating poverty and driving the movement of other economic sectors. In fact, until now the agricultural sector still faces many problems. Government policies that are not in favor of the agricultural sector are obstacles to the development of the agricultural sector. The government is more concerned with the industrial sector because the industry sector has been claimed to provide high income compared to the agricultural sector. Investors are also more interested in investing in the industrial sector than in the agricultural sector. The purpose of this study is to see the magnitude of the relationship between agricultural sub-sectors, both in the future and backward, in the Indonesian economy, seeing the magnitude of the influence of the agricultural sector on the increase in total output, community income, and absorption of Indonesian labor, and see what agricultural sub-sectors can be classified as a leading commodity, potential and lagging commodity in Indonesia based on the ranking of the forward and backward linkages, the agricultural sub-sector that can be classified as a sector that triggers economic growth, the income generating sector and the labor absorption sector based on the number multiplier
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