Dialektika Paradigma Ilmu Sosial Dalam Strategi Research Marketing

  • Edi Suandi STES (Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Syariah ) Manna Wa Salwa



The purpose of writing this article is to explore Friedrich Engels's dialectics, as a central figure in the dialectical thinking method. With the discovery or a new theory called a thesis which is then opposed to the antithesis, which subsequently produces a synthesis or a new thesis. Hegel's way of thinking is called the dialectical method to understand a problem that is based on the law of reason. Hegel's dialectical thinking includes three branches of philosophy, namely: logic, natural philosophy, and spirit philosophy. Logic is a philosophy of ideas, natural philosophy is a philosophy of ideas as its manifestation in nature, spirit philosophy is a philosophy of ideas that goes back to itself.


Burrel and Morgan (1979) divide the research paradigm into four paradigms, namely functionalist paradigm, interpretive paradigm, radical humanist paradigm and radical structuralist paradigm. Paradigmapping in a marketing research strategy has two main advantages and consequences: First, it provides a territorial map to develop a research strategy that seeks to develop understanding, rather than merely producing additional knowledge and information. Second, paradigmapping enables researchers to implement research strategies that can go beyond arguments that are "incomparable" that are destructive and include strategic choices that can be characterized as "paradigm of parochialism", "inculcation of paradigm", "paradigm shift", "paradigm crossing " or " paradigm transcendence ".


The paradigm that holds that marketing is merely a transaction, which only has a main orientation towards the company's efforts to achieve as many sales as possible is no longer appropriate for the development of life and current marketing practices. When the marketing guideline is how the company can achieve the highest level of sales through exchanges or transactions and how to get the maximum profit, the ways taken to learn marketing science are many referring to and referring to the marketing mix concept (marketing mix ) with popular variables namely 4Ps, namely product, price, place (distribution channel), promotion (promotion, communication).


Transaction marketing theory and the 4Ps variable has upset many marketing experts in the 1990s, especially from the Nordick and United Kingdom regions, because the facts on the ground regarding the practice of applying the concept using 4Ps are not always appropriate and can be misleading, this is very pronounced once for service marketing and industrial marketing that demands other concepts that are more appropriate or appropriate to the conditions faced in real terms. The situation above has led to the birth of a new paradigm, namely marketing relationships. Marketing relationship is a form and marketing practice that emphasizes the importance of a partnership relationship between marketers or companies with customers in the long term time horizon.


The Marketing Thesis mix and 4Ps were challenged (Anti Thesis) in the marketing paradigm from the 1990s to the present. According to Gronroos (1994) the paradigm is weak and has a negative effect on marketing research and practice. The concept of marketing mix, with the phenomenon of 4Ps, is not always appropriate and relevant to various situations in marketing research. Practitioners and academics feel a variety of limitations with the concept of the 4 Ps variable so that later additional various P variables appear, such as Kotler in the mega-marketing article with public relations and politics, as an extension of 4Ps. Next Booms and Bitner (1982) added 3 Ps, namely people, physical evidence and process. With regard to the addition of the P variable, it turns out that it still cannot meet the needs of industry and services in the marketing sector. This means there is something missing. Challenges in today's contemporary research world, such as service marketing, industrial marketing show a condition for new approaches as Synthesis is based on the ability to build and manage relationships or partnerships with customers, because it requires a new paradigm in marketing. Business and marketing are activities, both of which are built in order to create a long-term relationship and can mutually benefit or benefit those who have an interest (stakeholders). For this reason, a new paradigm in marketing is needed that marketing that can build relationships that can provide value and benefits and can bring together various stakeholders and have a long time horizon is important. The new paradigm or concept that was born and emerged was marketing relationship as the Syntesis.


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SUANDI, Edi. Dialektika Paradigma Ilmu Sosial Dalam Strategi Research Marketing. Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. 15-29, sep. 2019. ISSN 2615-3300. Available at: <https://ojs.unitas-pdg.ac.id/index.php/manajemen/article/view/466>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.31317/jmk.10.3.15-29.2019.