Analisis Penjualan Brand, Pack, Price menggunakan Blue Ocean Strategi dalam Upaya Pengembangan Produk pada Koperasi Serba Usaha Global Nusantara Regional Kalsel, Tabalong

  • Nazaruddin Nyaman Universitas Nadhatul Ulama Kalimatan Selatan


This study aims to determine how much influence the method of using blue ocean strategy in increasing product sales volumes based on brands, packaging and prices generated by global nusantara cooperatives in South Kalimantan, Tabalong. Based on 2016-2018 data, did not show significant sales. The method used is descriptive method with qualitative data analysis that focuses on research.
The results of the study with 622 respondents showed that of the 2 brands shown namely the acpa and acpasol brands and of 2 different colors and 2 different prices showed: based on the acpa brand 39.68% favored by male respondents and 31.50% by women while Acpasol brand 60.32% preferred by male representatives and 68% by women. For fackaging based on acpa color, 25.30% is preferred for men and 24.40% for women while acpasol fackaging colors are 74.70% for men and 75.60% for women. The matter of price, the lowest acpa price is preferred by men 41.63% preferred by men and 30.68% while the highest acpasol price is preferred by men 58.37% and 69.22% is preferred by women. Based on the results of cooperative efforts in the global nusantara cooperatives, the archipelago can use the blue ocean strageti method to improve product development so that productivity increases.


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How to Cite
NYAMAN, Nazaruddin. Analisis Penjualan Brand, Pack, Price menggunakan Blue Ocean Strategi dalam Upaya Pengembangan Produk pada Koperasi Serba Usaha Global Nusantara Regional Kalsel, Tabalong. Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 2, july 2020. ISSN 2615-3300. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024.