Analisis Segmentasi Nasabah pada Bank Syari’ah Mandiri di Kota Padang

  • Gus Andri Universitas Tamansiswa Padang


Development of islamic bank in west sumatera has not shown a significant yet, due to lack of citizens understanding about bank of concept based on syar’i. the observation has been done by bank indonesia turn out that only 20% of people in west sumatera argued that the banks interest in not allowed by moslem law, despite tha philosophy of west sumatera people “ adat basandi sara’, sara’ basandi kitabullah†(ABS-SBK). It is just become a slogan. The people of west sumatera should understande the meaning and the roles of monetary institution as a concept based on syari’ah.

The objective of the research is want to know order to able to analyze some customers who are being customers in bank syari’ah. The population of research is all costomers in bank syari’ah who use the facility of syari’ah memory.

The source of data are primary as well as secondary taken from bank costomers by using questionnair. The writer use some variables among other this are: gender (XI), age (X2), family status (X3), education (X4), occupation (X5), salary (X6), religion (X7), the physiologically segmentation of variable of research are values of islam (X8), return sharing system (X9), trust (X10), prohibited bank interest (X11), and behavior segmentation that became variables of research are the opportunity (X12), customers status (X13), and customers think about product (X14).


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How to Cite
ANDRI, Gus. Analisis Segmentasi Nasabah pada Bank Syari’ah Mandiri di Kota Padang. Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 1-21, may 2013. ISSN 2615-3300. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024.