Kryopreservasi Sebagai Upaya Konservasi Plasma Nutfah Jangka Panjang Secara in Vitro Beberapa Genotipe Pisang (Musa Spp L.)

  • Wiwik Hardaningsih Universitas Tamansiswa Padang


Research on long-term conservation of germplasm various banana genotypes (Musa spp L.) with kryopreservasi in liquid nitrogen (-196oC temperature) has been conducted at the Laboratory of Tissue Culture and Germplasm Conservation ITFRI Solok. This study aims to: know the method of conservation of banana germplasm with long-term conservation kryopreservasi suitable for a variety of banana genotypes. The results showed that: kryopreservasi method that can used for long term storage is a method of slow freezing (slow cooling cryopreservation) by using the vitrification method given the addition of PVS2 cryoprotectant atthawing temperatures 40oC.

How to Cite
HARDANINGSIH, Wiwik. Kryopreservasi Sebagai Upaya Konservasi Plasma Nutfah Jangka Panjang Secara in Vitro Beberapa Genotipe Pisang (Musa Spp L.). Jurnal Embrio, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 02, p. 69-75, dec. 2012. ISSN 2808-9766. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 08 feb. 2025.

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